The Disadvantages of Napping
Sleep Inertia
Sleep inertia is the technical name for the sense of general grogginess that occurs after a nap. If a person has been sleeping for some time, it may take a few minutes for him to become alert of his surroundings. Sleep inertia can cause great confusion, which is an uncomfortable feeling for most.
Another drawback to napping is the possibility that you will feel unable to sleep during your normal sleeping time. Because of this, people who suffer from insomnia are encouraged to abstain from napping. Napping causes a reversal in a person's normal sleep schedule, which can be just as irritating as wanting a nap in the first place.
Excessive Sleepiness.
In some cases, napping will cause a person to feel even more tired than he did before the nap. This is inhibits productivity and can be particularly harmful if a person has work or school to occupy the remainder of the day.
Fit Day states that if a person suffers from depression, naps are to be avoided. Napping during the day can lead to thoughts of depression and anxiety for certain individuals, especially those already depressed.