How to Develop Self Respect
Use positive reinforcement as often as possible. If you berate your child constantly or tell him what he has done wrong, he will begin to feel worthless and lose his sense of self respect. Instead, build him up when he is successful and help him work through any failures so he sees he can improve rather than focusing on the idea that he was "bad."
Set a good example for your child to follow. If you make a mistake, own up to it, but be upbeat about correcting the mistake and not making it again. If you feel you are depressed, seek help for yourself to show your child that getting help is not shameful.
Sign your child up for counseling if he is struggling with self-esteem issues. Counselors are trained to help with a wide variety of issues and can help talk your child through his feelings. The counselor can also give him ideas for how to improve how he feels about himself.
Tell your child what you expect of him in all situations. If he doesn't know what you expect, he is more likely to fail and feel down about himself because of it. But when you are clear about what you expect, you give him the tools to be successful and feel good about himself.
Treat your child as an equal rather than a child. Get down on his level to talk to him, especially when you are correcting a misbehavior, and explain things in terms he can understand. However, this does not mean you cannot be the parent and must be his friend. Instead, it means you should let him know that you understand how he feels.
Focus on your child's positive traits and talents. Help him to develop those. For instance, if your child has a love of music, enroll him in music lessons; if he likes to draw, give him art lessons. Correct negative behaviors, but focus on the good.
Encourage your child to speak up for what he wants. Many people with low self respect feel that their desires are less important than those of others around them. Teach him that it is important to tell others what he wants in life. Give him choices in life so he can practice making them and voicing his preferences aloud.
Let your child know that he is important on a regular basis. Some people avoid doing this because they don't want to create a self-absorbed child. However, children thrive on the encouragement of parents and need to hear that they are important people too. Show respect to your child so he knows that he is worthy of respect.