Levels Of Excitement
Mildly Aroused
First on the scale of excitement is a mild arousal. In this state, you are feeling good but not overly emotional. You think about and look at things positively but you are not feeling that "jump for joy" sensation that people often describe when it comes to excitement. Mild arousal will usually occur if you hear some good news about a subject you are interested in or find $5 in a pair of jeans you washed.
Moderately Happy
Moderately happy is the next phase on the excitement scale. In this state, your positive emotions are increasing and you feel very positive about life. You will likely have a large smile on your face and people will be able to tell you are in a good mood. Moderate happiness might occur when you meet someone new for the first time who you genuinely like or make a large purchase you have been saving up for.
Genuine excitement is the next phase on the scale. In this state, you are feeling extremely positive about your life and you want to share that feeling with others around you. Your smile will grow even larger and you might even be prone to physical displays of affection, such as hugging or high-fives, with people around you. Excitement happens when you win a contest you've entered or you receive a promotion at work.
Ecstatic is the pinnacle of excitement. In this state, your emotions are running high and you are likely feeling euphoric. You will have that "jump for joy" sensation that is described by people who are extremely excited, and you may even jump up and down. You are going to be extremely positive about life, might scream or yell in joy and want to be physically close with people. This usually happens when a major event in your life occurs, such as a marriage proposal or winning the lottery.