Emotional Effects of Change
A common emotional effect of change is to feel helpless about the situation. A person might experience a sense of loss and despair, and may feel fear about adapting to change. Helplessness is often associated with feelings of disbelief and denial, and the inability to comprehend any positive outcome.
Anger and blame are common short-term reactions to change that is beyond a person's control. Change that is beyond a person's control can cause someone to become angry and aggressive. He might show resistance towards the change and argue against it. An angry person usually cannot see the rational reasons for the change, and refuses to accept it. He also might attempt to blame someone or something for the forced changes in his life. Anger or aggression is often a short-term emotional effect.
Stress and Anxiety
Being exposed to change can result in varying levels of stress and anxiety, which can range from short to long term. This is a common response when a person experiences a major life change, such as the death of a loved one or the loss of a job. Depending on the nature of the change and the individual, stress and anxiety can be experienced with different intensities and in different ways. The emotional reaction of anxiety and stress can affect a person psychologically and socially, as well as physically, mostly in negative ways.
Arrival of change can bring with it an emotional reaction of excitement, which suggests that the change is accepted. This effect usually occurs after a period of apprehension or anger. Excitement can mean that a person is ready to embrace the change; he has a vision and is looking forward to the future.