Computer Games and Addiction Among Students
Students may turn to computer games to relieve feelings of anxiety or depression. They may be shy, lonely or easily distracted. They may use video games as a stress reliever or a way to cope with negative feelings or events. Students also become addicted to computer games because they use the games as a distraction from responsibilities, such as homework and chores. Students who suffer from drug addiction or impulse control disorders are the most vulnerable to computer game addiction.
There are several signs to look for when there is a concern about computer game addiction. The student may lose track of time while playing games or be unable to quit after several attempts. The student could begin to choose playing computer games over spending time with friends and family. There may be a sudden onset of violent behavior if the student is interrupted during a computer game.
Effects of computer game addiction vary depending on the severity of the addiction. Some students who are addicted to computer games have more violent outbursts, causing them to get into physical fights and verbal arguments with friends, family and teachers. Students with this addiction may also fall behind in their schoolwork, resulting in lower grades. Computer game addiction can also cause carpal tunnel syndrome, strained vision, headaches, back aches and trouble sleeping.
There are several methods to help students recover from computer game addiction. Students can deal with negative feelings or depression by exercising and meditating. They can also seek professional help from a counselor to discover the reasons behind the addiction and how to effectively cope with those feelings. There are also support groups available where students can meet with other people dealing with computer game addiction.