Negative Effects of Pennsylvania Systems & Fluorescent Lighting
Depression and feelings of hopelessness are perhaps the most common effects of Pennsylvania systems and fluorescent lighting. The prolonged isolation combined with unnatural lighting for most of the day is a breeding ground for depression. This inevitably throws off the circadian rhythm of prisoners and deprives their bodies of the essential vitamins that come from natural sunlight. As a result, many prisoners develop long term mental illnesses and some attempt suicide.
Skin Cancer
All human beings need at least a minimal level of sunlight to stay healthy. When natural sunlight is replaced with perpetual fluorescent light, skin cancer is often a result. This is because unnatural carcinogens are emitted through fluorescent lighting. Over time, this can do significant damage to the skin and often causes skin cancer.
Headaches are another consequence of these two systems used in unison. The light flicker from fluorescent lighting combined with noisy prison environments can easily result in headaches. Over a length of time, headaches can also worsen into migraines.
Sleep Disorders
Difficulties sleeping and insomnia are additional negative effects. Humans are naturally wired to have a period of light during the day and period of darkness at night. Interfering with these natural cycles is a breeding ground for sleep disorders. That's why Pennsylvania systems and fluorescent lighting can easily create long term sleep problems.