How to Accept Favors
Tell yourself that you deserve the favor. If someone offers to do something for you, your immediate instinct may be to say no, because you might be afraid that accepting a favor makes you look weak or needy. Let yourself be open to the favor by recognizing that it is OK to accept it.
Don't perceive favors as an act of pity, or think that it is an inconvenience for others to go out of their way for you. People enjoy helping one another out and it makes some people feel good to do favors for others. Accept the favor by considering it a nice gesture.
Make a list of the favors that you need. You might have friends, relatives or neighbors ask you how they can help or what they can do, and your list will give you guidance on what you can tell them. For instance, one favor might be for someone to pick up your child from school, or another could be that you need something from the grocery store.
Let people know the best way to do a favor for you. For some, it may be more comfortable to accept a favor when the favor is not done in person. An example of this is rather than having someone bring you a box of clothes in person, it could be easier for you to accept the box of clothing if the person ships the box to you or delivers it to a location where you pick it up later.
Thank those who do favors for you. Tell them in person, over the phone or write a letter acknowledging their good deeds and letting them know how appreciative you are.