What Are Linear & Nonlinear Thinkers?
Definition of Linear Thinking
Essentially, linear thinking is to look at something from one point of view. If a person practices linear thinking, she sticks to a straight line of thought, meaning she takes information from one situation and applies it to similar situations. Another definition of linear thinking includes responding to one stimuli before responding to the next. Linear thinkers are thought to be logical and orderly, excelling at subjects like math and science.
Definition of Nonlinear Thinking
The term "nonlinear" means that something is not in a straight line, and this concept can be applied to a person's method of thought. A person who thinks nonlinearly often makes connections among unrelated concepts. A nonlinear thinker will jump from idea to idea, unlike a logical, linear thinker. Nonlinear thinkers usually perform well in the arts and tend to be more abstract.
Pros and Cons of Linear Thinking
The biggest advantage for linear thinkers is the ability to think logically and sequentially. However, while linear thinkers do excel in more left-brained activities, a person who thinks linearly can be deficient in arts and languages. Another disadvantage to linear thinking involves the lack of abstract thinking. Without the ability to think abstractly, a linear thinker may miss new and exciting ways to look at problems.
Pros and Cons of Nonlinear Thinking
Just as with linear thinking, a major disadvantage of nonlinear thinking is a deficiency in math and science, although not all non linear thinkers struggle in this area. Albert Einstein would have been considered a nonlinear thinker, but he clearly excelled in the areas of math and science. However, Einstein's math and science abilities were fueled by his ability to think in the abstract, which is a major part of being a nonlinear thinker. Nonlinear thinkers can often be seen as having an attention deficit, even to the point of having attention deficit disorder. Nonetheless, nonlinear thinking often produces positive results, even though the means to reach the results may not always be traditional.