How to Help a Self Injurer

A self injurer is someone who has a mental problem that causes them to inflict physical harm on themselves, such as by cutting or burning. A self injurer often causes this physical pain to avoid or replace emotional pain and turmoil that they are experiencing in their lives. If you suspect that someone you know is a self injurer or if a self injurer confides in you, there are certain things that you can do to help.


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      Offer support. Let the self injurer know that you are available to help in any way needed.

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      Listen. The self injurer may need a friend who will just listen to how they feel. Listen to them without judgment.

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      Tell the self injurer that it's okay to express the emotions that they are feeling, including anger, frustration, sadness or guilt.

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      Invite the self injurer to spend time with you. Make an effort to do activities that you know your friend enjoys.

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      Assist your friend in finding professional help. A self injurer can often benefit from private therapy sessions or from joining a support group.

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