How to Pass a Psychiatric Evaluation
Be honest when completing psychological tests. Psychological test batteries have one or more sub-scales incorporated into the test that measures how truthful a person is being. These scales have been developed by professionals. Patterns of random responding, trying to project an overly positive image or pretending to be sick will become obvious when professionals examine test scores.
Understand that the psychiatrist doing the evaluation has probably done many of these evaluations before you. It will be obvious if you are less-than-forthright in your responses. No one has a perfect family --- if you deny that your family ever gets angry, argues or struggles, it will favor negatively in your overall evaluation.
Fill out background history questionnaires in a careful and comprehensive fashion. The psychiatrist will look for discrepancies between formal tests you have completed, answers you give to interview questions and what you have filled out when completing background questionnaires. Be honest about your medical history as the psychiatrist will be checking your actual medical files to see if you have reported all your major medical problems.
Refrain from coaching collateral contacts. Many psychiatric evaluations require the psychiatrist to interview a spouse, partner, family member or friend. It will be obvious that these persons have been coached if they do not say anything negative about you or if they all say the same positive things.
Get a good night's sleep before the test. Do not come to the test under the influence of alcohol or drugs --- taking these substances will cause your pupils to dilate, and it will be apparent to the examiner that you are not in any condition to complete the test.