How to Heal the Ego
Use criticism as a method for personal growth and improvement. It's seldom easy to hear about what you've done wrong or how you could have done better. Nonetheless, knowing about your shortcomings is often an effective way to change things around and become a better person. So instead of becoming angry or sad, try to see the potential for positive growth and make the appropriate adjustments.
Understand that no one is perfect and that everyone has flaws; you are not alone in this respect. It's important to realize that whoever has criticized you has his or her own set of problems as well. As a result, try not to take things too personally.
Be aware of the transitory nature of a bruised ego. Remember that no matter what happens to you, it's only temporary and will soon pass. Even if you feel terrible for a short period of time, just know that the negative emotions will pass and you will be happy again. Once your mind and ego make this realization, it becomes much easier to deal with the everyday conflicts of life and maintain a positive focus.
Develop a level of confidence that allows you not to feel the need to brag about your accomplishments. Often, people who receive the most criticism are the ones who act pompously and boast about every little achievement. That's why it's usually better to quietly believe in yourself. Doing so will bring less attention when you do make a mistake.
Be responsible for your actions and own up when you do something incorrectly. If someone calls you out after you have behaved inappropriately, it's usually more productive to admit your shortcomings. Try to not get angry or defensive, but use the situation to build your integrity instead.