How to Cure Impulsiveness
Speak to your family physician, if you feel that you suffer from symptoms related to impulsiveness. He will help evaluate your condition and refer you to a mental health professional who can provide you with an accurate diagnosis.
Obtain a diagnosis through working with your mental health care professional. Discuss with them what the specifics of your condition are. For instance, a person who loses his temper due to bipolar impulsivity problems might face a different treatment protocol than one who is impulsive due to personality disorders such as a histrionic personality, or one with an impulsive disorder such as intermittent explosive disorder.
Take your medication, if any is prescribed by your mental health professional. Take it regularly and according to the directions for maximum effect. Anti-depressants, mood stabilizers and other drugs may be used to help reduce symptoms of impulsiveness, depending on the condition that causes it.
Attend a support group for your particular impulsive problem. The Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance -- -- helps patients to find support groups in their area. Other impulsive disorders have similar organizations. For instance, kleptomania, one of the impulse disorders, has, which lists support groups around the country.
Work with your therapist to focus on living in the moment and realizing that the future is shaped by the choices that you make today. This helps to give control back to you, when you feel you may lose control of your impulses.