Disadvantages to Knowing Your Personality Type
Stereotypical Behavior
Knowing your personality type may result in stereotypical behavior for that particular type. For example, if you are one of the type E personalities, meaning you are supposed to be extroverted, then you may act outgoing even though this is uncomfortable for you. You might feel that way of acting is how you are "supposed" to act, even if it is not compatible with how you feel inside.
Relationship Troubles
Knowing your personality type can result in problems with your interpersonal relationships, especially if you feel you must act a certain way. You may also only seek out people who your personality type claims you are compatible with, meaning you might miss out on developing lasting relationships with other people. Only seeking out people within your personality type limits you both personally and professionally.
Career Choices
Making career choices based on personality type may not always be beneficial. Your personality type may place you in a profession that you are not comfortable with or do not enjoy. Yet, you may stay in this field because it is supposed to be the right one for you. This can lead to job dissatisfaction and poor performance, possibly even a loss of employment.
Risky Behaviors
People with certain personality types are designated to be risk takers or people who enjoy engaging in conflict. While this may be true of some people, it might not necessarily be true for you. You might make investments you question, engage in behaviors you would otherwise avoid or take on commitments you disagree with all because of a personality "type." This can result in problems for you both personally and professionally.