Motivation Intervention Activities
Keeping a journal with detailed records of your progress and goals can be essential to gaining motivation in your life. If you are trying to lose weight, consider keeping a journal of how many calories you consume each day and what physical activities you engage in. This will give you perspective into what you're currently doing and help you stay on track toward your goal. It also forces you to take time out for yourself and can be a great stress reliever, which may free up more time and energy for your goals in the long run.
Group Meetings
Joining or creating a group in which the members share common goals can provide you with a great deal of support and motivation. If you are struggling on your own, it can be easy to give up because you are not accountable to anyone but yourself and you may feel alienated from the world in your struggle. When you are feeling unmotivated, your group will help prop you up because they may need you to do the same in return for them another day. This creates a mutually beneficial and supportive environment for all members.
Hire a Professional
An entire career field exists for providing motivation and inspiration, so if you have the resources, it is a fantastic idea to hire a professional. If you find it difficult to simply keep track and stay on top of your goals, you can hire a life coach who will keep track for you. Your life coach can call you to give you reminders and pep talks, and consistently provide you with the motivation to achieve your goals. Personal trainers can work wonders if your goal is getting in shape, while a writing coach can help you finish your book or novel. Spending money on a coach can also provide motivation in itself -- if you're dishing out the cash, you had better get your money's worth.
Bribe Yourself
Bribing yourself and promising rewards for a job well done is a totally viable way to keep your motivation high. If your goal is to lose 50 lbs., it could be useful to promise yourself a small shopping spree when you reach the halfway mark and a larger one when you reach your final goal. If you work from home and have difficulty staying motivated without a boss, you can promise yourself a night out on the town every Friday if you are able to make a certain amount of money that week.