Qualities of Introverted & Extroverted People
Carl Jung first introduced the concepts of introversion and extroversion in his theory on personality. Jung used the different types of personalities to explain what drives people. He believed that extroverted people are driven by outer influences, whereas introverted people are driven more by internal factors. Genetics may play a role in whether a person is more extroverted or introverted, but environment is also important. This means that it may be both nature and nurture that determine whether a person is introverted or extroverted.
According to dictionary.com, an introvert is a person characterized by concern with his own thoughts and feelings. Introverts derive their energy from within and look inward for ideas and motivation. These types of people have high focus and seek deep understanding about things in life. Introverts are better at showing empathy and being more inter-personally connected. Typically, introverted people have fewer friends, but have stronger bonds with those friends than extroverts have with theirs. Professionally, introverts are good at creative pursuits and enjoy working alone.
An extrovert projects energy outward toward people and things, and because of this they are considered social. They like a lot of variety and action and need a lot of stimulation. Extroverts tend to be more understandable and accessible because they are more likely to be relaxed and confident. Typically, extroverted people have many friends and social relationships and enjoy social gatherings. Professionally, extroverts are more assertive, prefer to work around other people and make good salesmen or managers.
Further Research
There are some personality tests that help a person figure out whether they are more dominantly introverted or extroverted, such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. By determining which characteristics a person shows more of, they are able to build on their qualities and embrace their introversion or extroversion. Knowing your personality type may help in your career pursuits and education.