How to Deal With Being Anxious
Focus on the positive. If you feel that anxiety is taking over, try to think about the good things in life, such as your family, closest friends or most beloved hobbies. This can be particularly beneficial at bedtime and as you wake up every morning -- times when feelings of anxiousness can be paramount. Good things are always around you, no matter how tiny they might seem. Avoid being overwhelmed by concentrating on the most positive aspects of your life.
Keep yourself occupied. People tend to become anxious when their minds are not busy. If you're not busy or occupied with something, your mind is free to run wild and worry. As soon as you rise in the morning, get engaged in work or some other type of activity, such as gardening or knitting. Think about the tasks at hand instead of driving yourself crazy with worries and potential problems.
Try to laugh. Laughing is an effective way to relax and reduce feelings of tension within your mind and your body. It can also help get your mind off impending problems and situations. Go to the movie theater and check out the latest comedy flick. Watch a stand-up comedian perform at your local comedy club. Take a look at blooper videos posted on YouTube.
Relax. One way to deal with excessive anxiety is by relaxing yourself, body and mind. Engage in deep breathing exercises, which can calm the nerves that travel between the brain and the diaphragm. Other relaxation options include meditation, yoga and tai chi.
Take care of yourself. The only way to be strong enough to deal with anxiety and the highs of lows of living is to maintain a strong body and mind. Do this by taking care of yourself, including working out regularly, consuming a nutritious diet and getting enough sleep every night (a minimum of eight hours, if possible).
Enjoy nature. To manage overwhelming anxiety and nerves, experience a natural setting, which can be serene and soothing. Take a hike along a scenic path in your area, have a picnic by the lake or simply go for a stroll amid the greenery of your local park.
Confide in another person. Express your feelings and worries by engaging in a conversation with someone you trust. Listen to feedback, because most people have been in anxiety-inducing situations at some point. If talking to friends or family isn't enough and you fear for your well-being and mental health, seek professional help. A behavioral therapist can help you identify your anxiety triggers and fix problematic behavioral elements and thinking styles.