Common Personality Traits of Addicts
People who have addictive personalities tend to exhibit behaviors that are especially impulsive and spontaneous. The spontaneous nature of these personalities leads to difficulty in delaying pleasure and gratification and the urge to do everything immediately and "right now." The desire to attain a "quick fix" is very important for these personality types. Addictive personalities are constantly on the hunt for new and exciting things.
Hypersensitivity is also a common characteristic of addictive personalities. Addictive people are often especially sensitive and delicate. If someone says something the addictive personality perceives as "mean" or "harsh," he might spend a lot of time obsessing over and reliving the comment in his head, which can lead to the accumulation of a lot of bitter feelings and anger.
Addictive people often have antisocial behavioral patterns, oftentimes to conceal from family members and friends exactly what they are doing (whether it is excessively consuming alcohol, partaking in gambling or abusing prescription medications). Alienation is a common element of addiction. Addictive people are often described as coming across as awkward and aloof.
Addictive people are frequently wracked with low self-confidence and poor self-esteem. The immense feelings of insecurity that often come with addictive personalities can manifest themselves in very serious ways, from depression to anxiety.
At the other end of the spectrum from low self-esteem, arrogance and large egos are often personality indications of addicts as well. Addicts may feel that what they do and say directly correlates with everything that is surrounding them. Addicts may also feel as though they can control and manipulate situations.
People with addictive personalities also often display deceitful traits. Compulsive lying is a common sign of addiction. For example, a young woman might constantly lie to her parents to receive money to purchase alcohol: "Dad, I need some repairs on my car. Can I borrow $500 from you?"
Excessive anger also signifies an addictive personality in many cases. If a person is very quick to lash out on others (oftentimes for no particular reason), the reason my be that he is suffering from a severe addiction in his life.