Early Signs of Hoarding
Clutter and Disorganization
Clutter is one of the early signs of hoarding, according to MayoClinic.com. This sign can appear as early as the teenage years. The ability to organize is learned as people get older, but a person that is showing early signs of hoarding will have an inability to organize his life. Items will be piled on counter tops or the tops of closets. Bookshelves are cluttered with more than books or movies. A person with early hoarding symptoms will also have difficulty managing his daily life, making daily decisions or has a procrastination habit.
Useless Junk Collection
Useless junk is what most people will discard. A person that is starting to show signs of hoarding will collect what others throw away. Rather than throwing broken electronics or gadgets away, hoarders will keep them. A broken refrigerator can stay in the garage, or a toaster that no longer toasts will stay hidden in a closet, because a hoarder believes he will fix it. People typically throw out or give away clothes that no longer fit them or are out of style. An early sign of a hoarder is one that holds onto clothes, even if he has not worn a particular item in years. Items, such as magazines, newspapers and junk mail, will also be collected by a person that is becoming a hoarder.
Excess Storage Areas
A hoarder collects junk, which means she will eventually run out of conventional storage space, such as an attic or closet. An early sign of a hoarder is a person that no longer has room in her conventional storage areas to put stuff. Storage becomes areas such as living rooms, bedrooms that are not in use or the garage.
Difficulty Parting with Items
Difficulty parting with items can be seen as early as teenage years. It is normal to be attached to objects for sentimental reasons, but an extreme attachment to items is an early sign of hoarding. The attachment is so severe that he may be unwilling to allow another person to borrow an item he has or even let someone touch his possessions. This can be something as simple as a book, movie or a pen.
Social Isolation
A hoarder is socially isolated long before she becomes a compulsive hoarder. Hoarding is a way for her to manage her emotions. Items that she hoards can make her feel safe. A person with early hoarding signs will be socially isolated and focus more on the things she possesses rather than the people in her life for happiness and comfort.