How to Not Get Emotionally Hurt by Rejection

Almost everyone experiences rejection at some time in his life. From abandonment by a parent to turndowns when asking for a date or applying for a job, all types of rejection affect you. Rejection attacks you in the core of your being, attempts to damage or destroy your self-esteem and can derail your purpose in life. You need to be confident to pursue your dreams and vision for the future.


    • 1

      Learn to like yourself. Once you see your own strengths, and even weaknesses, and accept them, you won't need to look for acceptance from other people.

    • 2

      Take a step back and force yourself to be objective. Don't take rejection personally. It probably isn't about you, but it's about the other person, their hurts and the circumstances they are dealing with.

    • 3

      Turn the rejection into something that helps you. If you know the rejection was because of one or more of your shortcomings, work to eliminate those shortcomings, thus turning the rejection into something positive for you.

    • 4

      Learn from rejection and move past it. Realize that rejection may not be the end but the beginning of learning --- about yourself, the other person and the future. Look hard at the situation. Talk to the person who has rejected you, if possible. You might see that it's simply a difference in value systems. Before you approach the person who rejected you, ensure that it won't cause more problems than it solves.

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