What Are the Signs of Teenage Mental Problems?

Mental health problems stem from genetics or the environment one is surrounded with. This means that the cause of mental health illnesses is a result of a traumatic experience or that someone was simply born with a certain ailment. In teenagers, it can be difficult to distinguish a mental glitch with the hormones that come along with puberty. If they are not addressed, they can cause antisocial behavior, conflict in the home and failure in school. There are many telltale signs for various mental problems. However, there are a few that most disorders seem to have in common.
  1. Extreme Emotions

    • Often found in teens with mental illnesses are drastic emotions. Extreme sensitivity causes anger, sadness, fear and extreme concern with ones physical appearance. Any emotion that implies any form of negativity is taken to drastic measures by a teen suffering from mental health issues.

    Fluctuation in Behavior

    • One of the most obvious signs of a problem is the drastic dropping of grades at school. Next would be changes in interest. Sleeping habits will be different, as well as eating habits and a lack of desire to socialize. Things that the teen once enjoyed will now be cast aside in indifference. Laziness and, in some cases, talk of suicide will occur. Drastic predicaments may involve hearing strange voices in the individuals mind. They may think that they are hearing actual voices when, in reality, it is all in their head.


    • Extreme anxiousness, uneasiness and inability to sit still are also common. This comes from the fear that something bad will happen or that they will get into serious trouble. Strange changes in routine like a constant need for cleansing and washing things may also occur. Also, performing remedial tasks repetitively is a sign of a personality disorder due to paranoia. At night, an extension of the strange sleeping patterns are unexplainable, recurring nightmares.

    Causing Dangerous Situations

    • Out of character activity that causes harm to themselves and others will occur in a case of mental illness. Excessive habits like overeating or under eating are one of the expected results. One may also workout to a point where he or she is never satisfied, no matter how thin they become. Lastly, lashing out in violence to those who love them is the most evident proof of mental illness.

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