How to Stop Devaluing My Life
Focus on what you have rather than what you don't have when your self esteem is low. Take stock of all your assets. They may be your beautiful eyes, your piano fingers or your sense of humor. Everyone has traits that are stronger than others, so attempt to focus on what makes you special instead of what you perceive to be your flaws and shortcomings.
Keep in mind how unique you are and refrain from comparing what you are and what you have to other people's possessions and personality traits. "If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself," wrote Max Ehrmann in his sonnet, "Desiderata." Stay focused on your strengths, goals and dreams and you will move ahead more confidently in your life.
Distract yourself from devaluing thoughts about your own life and help someone who is in a worse situation than you are. Volunteer at a hospital or children's home, help a friend or family member in need, or assist a complete stranger. Sometimes just taking the focus off of yourself and onto someone else will be enough to snap you out of your thoughts of inferiority.
Coping with low self esteem sometimes requires professional help. Stop trying to live up to other people's expectations. Make your expectations your own by choosing goals that are in line with what you want out of your life, and that will stretch and challenge you. Living an authentic life and not following a path laid out by someone else is what will add value to your existence each day.
Seek professional help if your self esteem continues to decrease. Therapists and counselors can help you see the value in your life and help you lose that "not good enough" mentality. They can assist you in focusing on your future instead of your past and teach you how to turn your failures into successes.