How to Get Help for Pathological Gambling
Speak to a friend or family member. Tell the truth. You can't hide from your problem. Explain that you feel the urge to gamble, but want to control it. Ask for advice and support. Just speaking about this problem can help you. Your friend or family member may have useful advice or encourage you to get the help you need.
Join a support group, such as Gamblers Anonymous. Call the national hotline at 888-424-3577 to find a Gamblers Anonymous group in your area. You can meet other people like yourself who are pathological gamblers and learn ways to deal with this addiction.
Call a gambling hotline, such as the National Council on Problem Gambling, at 800-522-4700. Counselors on the hotline can give you resources in your area and speak to you about your problem. They can also recommend treatment centers in your area. The counselors are available any time of the day if you need to talk.
Speak to your doctor about your gambling. He may be able to refer you to a therapist who helps pathological gamblers. Intensive psychotherapy may help you overcome this crippling addiction to gambling.