Signs You Need a Psychological Evaluation
Sadness during difficult times is not uncommon; however, if you have sadness lasting longer than a few weeks consider a psychological evaluation. It is normal to grieve the loss of a loved one or a child leaving the nest but it becomes a problem when the grieving process comes to a halt and you are unable to move forward. When sadness or "feeling down" affects other areas of your life, like making and keeping plans or getting out of bed to go to work, consider seeking professional help.
Intense fears might signal the need for a psychological evaluation. Most people have small fears like heights, bugs or public speaking. Fears that cause panic attacks, isolation and avoidance of certain situations merit a psychological evaluation. Anxiety is a normal part of life but when you change your routine to avoid specific places or events, a larger problem is indicated. In most situations a psychological evaluation helps to pinpoint where the anxiety is coming from and trained psychologists help you identify and overcome intense fears.
Irrational Behavior
Heavy drinking, drug use and promiscuity are irrational behaviors that warrant a psychological evaluation. A drug addict might rationalize that he will feel normal after his next "fix" but the drug use itself is not a rational choice. Spending large amounts of money on non-necessities is also considered irrational behavior. The "spend money to feel good " mentality is found in some cases of Borderline Personality Disorder, as a way to cope with bad or negative feelings.
Suicidal Thoughts or Actions
When your thoughts turn to self-destructive behavior or suicidal idealization, get help immediately. Self-mutilation by cutting or carving into the skin is a self-coping mechanism that some with mental illness use to escape painful thoughts. Harming yourself in any way is a sign that something isn't quite right. Fantasizing about or acting out a suicide might feel like relief to someone who feels there is no way out of her situation. There is always help available to those who need it.
Additional Information
If you notice something a little "off" about a child or a loved one or yourself, seek out professional help. Psychological evaluations are designed to pinpoint problem areas and help professionals create a treatment plan based on the information gathered. If you suspect something is wrong, trust your own judgment instead of brushing the thoughts away.