Instructions on How to Administer a Test of Memory Malingering
Things You'll Need
- Three shapes
- Three numerical signs
- Three letters
- Three Roman Numerals
- Paper
Choose three letters, three symbols, three Roman Numerals, three shapes and three numbers. Remember to make sure that the stimuli are simple and easily remembered. Finding easily recall items creates a sense of false security for the potential malingering patient. Creating a simple test ensures that the malingering subject will see it as a test that really "ill" person should fail.
Take a piece of blank paper. Arrange the chosen letters, numbers and symbols on the paper in five rows of three.Use a black pen for all items and be sure to make the font fairly large - the rows of stimuli should fill a whole piece of paper.
Explain to the subject that they are to remember each of the symbols, letters and numbers on the page exactly. Add a dramatic flair to the presentation to make sure the individual believes the test is difficult. This can be done by telling the subject that it is rare that people recall all of the items, but they should try their best. Show the items to the subject for 15 seconds and remove the stimuli.
Take the paper back from the individual. Score the test in terms items missed.
Note that research suggests that even severely brain damaged individuals can recall 75% of common items when presented visually. Malingering is suspected when the patient cannot recall 75% of the stimuli.