How to Determine Personality by Handwriting Signatures
Compare your regular handwriting to the way you write your signature to tell you a bit about your personality. Your signature can be described as your external image. It's the way you want the world to view you. Your signature will likely feature some additional flare. You might notice that you write some letters in your signature with a different stroke than you normally do. If you notice that the difference occurs in your first name, it relates to your individuality. The more severe the stroke, the more outspoken or extroverted you are. If the difference is in your last name, it relates to your feelings toward your family. It might illustrate how proud you are of your family heritage.
Look at how you capitalize your signature. If your signature is written entirely in lowercase, that indicates a sense of modesty. If your signature is written in all uppercase, it indicates an aggressive or perhaps boisterous person.
Take notice of whether or not you sign your name with a large tail at the end. If the tail is much higher than the rest of the signature, it means that you are someone who craves attention.
Pay attention to how the signature rides the baseline. The baseline is the imaginary line that exists to define what we write on. Pay attention to how consistently the baseline is obeyed. If your baseline is not straight, it illustrates that you're a person who does not feel confined by conventional customs. The looser the baseline, the more freethinking people tend to be.