Techniques to Help Memory
Make Rhymes
Make a rhyme from a piece of information that you want to be able to recall easily at a later date. recommends this technique to help you to recall facts, as the human brain is able to recall rhymes. Famous recall rhymes cover subjects such as the number of days for each month of the year. Once you have created a rhyme, repeat it several times out loud to learn it.
Going over information just before you go to sleep can help you remember it the following day. This is an effective method of improving your ability to recall the information, as your brain will file facts in a systematic and effective order while you are sleeping, which can also help you solve problems. It is important that you are relaxed when taking in the information rather than worrying about it, as stress can hinder memory. Sleep itself can also keep your brain healthy; it is important to get eight hours of restful sleep per night to maintain a good memory.
Meditating regularly can improve your memory. Meditation can help you clear your mind of distracting thoughts. This can aid you in relaxation and rid you of stress. Stress can be harmful to your memory. The act of meditation can also help you focus, which means you are more likely to pay attention when learning or taking in information. To increase the effectiveness of this technique, practice meditation before attempting to take in new information, such as before a class or before revising.
Eat Healthy
Keep your brain healthy by incorporating a variety of foods into your diet that are known to improve memory. recommend eating plenty of fruit and vegetables, as these are full antioxidants that protect brain cells. Types of oily fish, such as mackerel, herring and sardines are known to boost brain activity due to the high content of omega-3 fatty acids. Drinking grape juice or one small glass of red wine per day is also said to improve memory and reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease.