Albert Bandura's Theoretical Ideas
Albert Bandura has contributed much to the field of psychology over the last half-century. He continues to teach and conduct research at Stanford University, has received numerous awards and served on multiple boards. Most notably, Bandura developed the social cognitive theory, previously named the social learning theory. Defined as a behaviorist theory, the social cognitive approach actually combines the influence of external factors with cognitive processes.-
Social Modeling
Bandura emphasized the importance of social modeling in behavior. He differentiated modeling from mimicry, with social modeling involving not just repeating but learning about the behavior, including rules and behavior patterns. Motivation to continue the behavior results from the response it receives from other people or the environment.
Self-Directedness and Forethought
Bandura believes that people are capable of self-direction and forethought. This includes planning ahead, considering all consequences and alternatives for behavior and guiding and regulating their own activities. While many other behavior theorists feel that behavior is a reaction to the environment, Bandura emphasizes the cognitive processes involved in that reaction. Self-direction and forethought also includes the influences of self-worth and satisfaction on a person's behavior.
Self-efficacy is the belief that people have in themselves to bring about change. A person's self-efficacy determines his ability to perform at his maximum potential and improve quality of life. This emphasizes the control individuals have over their own life circumstances.
Current Research
Bandura has recently focused his research on four main areas of psychological functioning. He continues his research in psychological modeling and applies it to our current culture. He is also researching human agency or the way people influence their own behavior. Bandura has also expanded his self-efficacy research to include the perception of a person's efficacy to influence events. The fourth area of his research involves stress reactions and causes of depression.