How to Discover What You Want in Life
Join and partake in classes that strike your interest. Once you learn more about the topics and get to take part in them, you will learn whether it's something you'd like to continue or not.
Try out new activities often, if you think they might strike your interest. For example, if you develop an interest in exercise, test it out and you may find that you want to work in the exercise field. Likewise, if you are unhappy in your current job, look for new job opportunities that seem more enjoyable to you. Don't be afraid to apply for jobs and go to interviews.
Read books about different life paths and goal-setting techniques. Read personal memoirs about how successful people got to where they are in life. These books can help to boost your motivation and give you the keys you need to find your own life goals.
Volunteer to help in various volunteer positions. If you find that you enjoy helping people or animals through volunteer work, you may decide to go to school to become certified in that area so that you can further help people in their lives.
Talk to other people about their own life dreams. Other people can provide a new perspective and ideas that you've never thought of on your own.
Journal about all of your thoughts and feelings about life on a day to day basis. Often, just the act of writing can help your thoughts to flow better; leading you to find goals you were unaware of while you're writing them down.