The Different Types of Serial Killers

The act of serial murder accounts for fewer than 1 percent of all murders, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Serial murders often fit well into mainstream life: They have the ability to hold jobs, have close friendships and cultivate families. From all outward appearances, the serial killer differs remarkably little from most people.
  1. What Is A Serial Killer?

    • Law enforcement classifies serial killing as the act of two or more murders that take place during separate events. One killer perpetuates each of the acts. No identifiable cause exists as to why a person becomes a serial killer. A compilation of life experiences play a role in the killer's behavior. Genetics may also play a role. Each type of serial killer has his own motivation.

    Disorganized Serial Killer

    • The disorganized serial killer usually acts like an opportunist. The killer rarely plans the crime but acts on impulse. Many seem to suffer from some form of mental illness and may claim to hear voices, driving them to kill. Unlike more traditional serial killers, the disorganized serial killer often has a difficult time maintaining independent relationships and may suffer from social ineptness. The disorganized serial killer often incorporates sexual perversions into the acts of murder. These serial killers also seem to have a reduced intellectual capacity compared to other serial killers.

    Organized Serial Killer

    • Highly intelligent, the organized serial killer has the potential to meticulously plan each act and evade capture. She forms strong social relationships and maintains a normal life to any outside observers. The killer usually plans the murder well in advance with surveillance of the victim and extensive research. The planning appears to offer the perpetrator as much enjoyment as the act itself. The methodical serial killer thrives on being in control and efficient. The killer often plans an elaborate ruse or stages a mishap to persuade the victim to willingly leave with her. She plots to ensure the body is never found and disposes of all evidence.

    Medical Serial Killer

    • Exceptionally rare, the medical serial killer usually works in the medical field as a health care provider. The killer focuses on having direct contact with the patient. The killer's advanced medical training allows him to kill numerous people without detection or suspicion. The murder appears as though the patient died of a natural cause. This allows the killer to continue for an extended time without anyone suspecting. The medical killer usually has a high intelligence level, which enables him to plot the crime. He has good social skills, which enable him to interact with co-workers and patients without suspicion. The killer usually maintains a normal home life.

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