How to Get Rid of Self-Consciousness
Practice positive self-talk every day, in order to boost your spirits and self-esteem. Talk lovingly to yourself in the mirror, and believe in your ability to deal with day-to- day situations and stress. Hang motivating messages on mirrors around your home, and be sure to read them regularly.
Face situations that make you anxious, as much as possible. Avoidance only worsens your self-consciousness and makes you more fearful. Go into these situations believing in yourself: Cut yourself some slack if you don't do everything perfectly.
Improve your skills and find activities that make you feel confident about yourself. For example, join a class for people who enjoy making crafts, and practice creating things as much as possible. The boost in self-esteem integrates into other areas of your life, as you continue to create things that make you feel proud.
Avoid relying on others to handle situations that make you nervous. If you have a fear of phoning the doctor, for instance, don't rely on your friend or significant other to do it for you. Relying on others for these kinds of things only leads you to feel as if you are helpless without aid.
Think of all the things that you have achieved in your life, thus far; including the small things. Allow yourself to feel good when you accomplish something, rather than acting as if you do nothing well.
Find traits and qualities that you like about yourself; think of them often. It helps to write a list of these traits, so that you can look at it whenever you're feeling self-conscious.