Methods to Overcome Fear of Heights
Desensitization therapy involves gradually exposing people to the object of their fear over a period of time in greater and greater amounts until they are no longer afraid. In the case of a fear of heights, this means you might climb to successively higher heights over a period of time so that you can gradually overcome your fear. Rather than dropping you directly into a situation to face your fears, desensitization is a slow step-by-step process.
Hypnotherapy is a process where you are hypnotized by a licensed professional hypnotist. The hypnotist presents information about your fear to you in your subconscious mind so that when you are awakened, you will no longer have a fear of heights. This usually takes a number of different sessions and may, or may not, be successful depending on how much you believe in the hypnosis process.
Relaxation and coping techniques can help you deal with the physical effects of your fear of heights without actually getting to the root of your fear or attempting to overcome it. These might include deep breathing exercises, yoga, muscle relaxation or diversion, where you ignore the fact that you are at a height you don't like. All of these techniques are easy and can be practiced without professional intervention.
Virtual Reality Exposure
In virtual reality exposure therapy, you are exposed to a virtual version of your fears. It might consist of watching a life-sized example of the Grand Canyon, watching a video filmed at a great height or using a virtual reality program where you are placed in situations where height is simulated. This allows you to become more comfortable without putting yourself into a real-world situation that could be too stressful or threatening. Ideally, this desensitizes you over time so that you are ready to try to face your fears in real life.