What Are Good Counseling Techniques?
Establishing Rapport
Establishing rapport is the first and most important step to establishing good counseling techniques in any type of therapy session. To establish rapport, you are building a relationship with the client to gain trust. Trust is the key to getting to the root of the client's problem. When an individual first enters therapy, it is rare that the real issue will be immediately revealed. Surface problems are usually discussed until the client truly believes that you can be trusted.
Listening and Communicating
Active listening skills and the ability to communicate are techniques that you must master. It is extremely important to have the ability to hear what the client is actually saying, and be able to communicate to the client that you are really listening. This is accomplished by repeating back to the client in your own words what the client said to you. As an example, you might say, "I believe that you are telling me. ..." and then fill in the blank. It is appropriate to use this technique when a lot of information has been given, or when you are unclear about what has been said to you.
Body Language
Body language is what you are saying to an individual without the use of words. It is vitally important to understand that how and where you sit will either make or break the counseling relationship. To be successful you must avoid putting barriers such as a desk or table between you and the client, and you must sit with a relaxed posture with your arms at your side. Putting a barrier between you and the client and sitting with your arms crossed will convey a message that you are not reachable. Instead, you must present yourself as someone to whom the client can comfortably talk.
Establishing Boundaries
To obtain a healthy counseling relationship, you must learn to establish boundaries. You are there to teach and guide the client to come up with his own solutions. This technique keeps the sessions focused on the client, not you. There are very few times that you should ever self-reflect. When healthy boundaries are set you can focus entirely on the client, and on achieving your counseling goals.