What Are the Causes of Disturbed Emotions?
Diet and Sleep
Eating right and getting enough sleep provides a person with the strength he needs to feel good. Lack of either of these life necessities can cause irritability in people leading to increased anger and even depression. Not eating or sleeping right for prolonged periods of time can thus lead to disturbed emotions. Get enough rest whenever possible and invest a little time into understanding and executing proper nutrition to help remove this cause of disturbed emotions.
Imbalances in hormones and the immune system can lead to disturbed emotions as this causes a person to feel unbalanced. Some diseases such as Lymes Disease attack the nervous system causing anxiety and depression. Seek medical help for imbalances within the body. Practice regular meditation to promote stillness and good feelings throughout the body to help cure such imbalances.
External Situations
When faced with what may be deemed a hard situation people react as they feel necessary. These reactions can lead to disturbed emotions if a person allows the event to have a lasting effect on them. Anger, sadness and grief are all normal emotional reactions people experience due to external circumstances. Aligning with the event within the emotional gauntlet will allow a person to express these emotions in a healthy way. Alignment can be achieved through meditation or through the help of counselors or friends. Talking about how you feel with another person helps to get through a situation no matter how traumatic it might be.
Studies show evidence for the possibility of genetically acquired emotional disturbance. Families with a history of emotional disturbances have been known to continue such symptoms through their offspring. Not enough is known to sufficiently promote a cure for recipients of genetically-passed disturbances. However, this is not cause to give up. The potential of the human brain to overcome obstacles is unsurpassed. With help from medical experts and through determination, this cause too can be overcome.