How to Take a Psychology Personality Test
Research a variety of personality tests before you take them, if you are taking the assessment on your own. Learn about the specifics that the assessment tests for, as well as the descriptive analysis it provides. Rule out the personality tests that do not interest you, based on what it is you wish to learn about yourself.
Compare the prices of the various tests. Even though the Internet is full of websites that advertise free personality tests, assessments that you pay for may provide more credible evaluations. Understand that free online personality tests might only give you a partial assessment of your personality. If your psychologist or employer is providing the test for you, it should be free.
Read the instructions on the test you select. The instructions will help you understand how to answer the questions, such as to whether to select the answer that most describes you or the answer that least describes you. Pay attention to the directions so that you answer the questions the way they are intended to be answered.
Begin the test. Answer the questions honestly and do not be afraid of providing a "wrong" answer. Psychology personality tests are not about right or wrong, they are simply about evaluating the responses you provide to gain a deeper meaning about yourself. Giving false information on the test will not give you an accurate personality assessment at the end.
Pay attention to the clock if you are timed. Some online personality tests only give you a certain amount of time to answer the questions.
Submit the test and wait for the results. Some tests will provide the results within minutes, while others have to be evaluated by a professional and the results will be mailed to you at a later date.
Study your assessment. Learn about the type of person you are based on the test results. If you do not know what a word means, and the final evaluation does not explain it for you, look up the words in a dictionary so that you have complete understanding.