How to Help a Lack of Concentration
Journal at times when you are unable to concentrate. Keep a journal, in which record the times of day or under which circumstances you find yourself unable to concentrate. Over time, you might see a pattern emerging that is consistent with certain times of the day, what you have eaten or how much stress you are experiencing.
Make an appointment with your physician. Make an appointment with your physician for a general physical examination after two weeks of journaling. Bring your journal, and discuss what could be causing your lack of concentration, based on daily activities. Your doctor will perform a general exam and might order blood work to rule out conditions that affect concentration such as thyroid disorders, depression, adrenal fatigue or diabetes.
Consider supplements to help with concentration issues. Consider natural dietary supplements to improve memory and concentration. These safe alternatives help boost brain health by supplying vitamins and minerals for optimum nutritional support. Over time they restore and naturally balance important neurotransmitters.
Alter your diet if you notice certain foods are connected to concentration issues. Alter your diet. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, our diets often are to blame for disorders that seem to have an unknown origin. Natural food sources for concentration, memory and brain health come from an increase in berries and other fruits and vegetables containing high amounts of antioxidants. These foods assist in clearing our bodies of destructive free radicals.
Start an exercise regime to help focus your concentration. Start an exercise regime. A lack of exercise, paired with high-stress, has been targeted as a prime suspect in our inability to concentrate. When the mind is overworked and undernourished, sleep and concentration might be affected. This causes a vicious cycle of insomnia and concentration issues. In summary, seek out the source of your concentration problems by looking at diet, sleep, stress levels and underlying medical conditions. With the assistance of your primary care physician and diligent journaling, your concentration problems should improve.