How to Identify the Major Schools of Thought in Psychology
Listen and look for the terms psychoanalysis, psychodynamic, subconscious, id, ego and superego. These are often associated with Sigmund Freud and his theories, which were among the first in the development of modern psychiatry and psychology. Freud believed that emotional and psychological problems are rooted in the unconscious; this is similar to the subconscious, but less accessible according to Freud. He used hypnosis and talk therapy to help patients understand current symptoms in relation to past events and relationships. Freudian therapy, also called psychoanalysis, focuses on the idea that through awareness, people can resolve their underlying psychological issues.
Identify discussion of archetypes, dream analysis and metaphors. This may indicate a Jungian approach to psychology. Carl Jung was a student of Sigmund Freud and shared his belief in the importance of the unconscious. However, Jung developed a macro-view of human behavior -- looking at literature and stories from many cultures to devise theories that people go through common experiences that span the consciousness of humanity itself.
By helping patients understand how their issues and behaviors align with archetypal situations, Jung believed they could tap into human wisdom and find resources in understanding they aren't alone in their experiences. Jungian theory, like Freudian theory, makes use of dreams as a window into the subconscious. Interpreting dreams is considered one of the keys to greater self-awareness for the patient.
Identify references to correcting behaviors, behavior management and developing compensatory strategies. These terms typically correspond with behavioral psychology. The behavioral approach to psychological problems avoids underlying issues and the subconscious and focuses on consciously taking ownership of choices and behaviors. For a patient with an obsession or compulsion, a behavioral therapist, rather than delving into causes of underlying anxiety, would accept that the obsessive-compulsive behavior exists and help the patient develop active strategies to mitigate the behavior. The cognitive-behavioral approach, which evolved out of pure behaviorism, incorporates the connection between conscious thought and behavior.
Identify approaches to common psychological and emotional issues that involve use of psychopharmaceuticals. The use of drug therapies moves toward a medical model of psychology. This approach is based on the theory that emotional and psychological issues are the result of biological causes such as neurochemical imbalances. Mood disorders, such as bipolar disorder and cyclothymia, are now largely treated as medical conditions and are managed with medication rather than talk therapy.
Listen for discussion of behaviors being "appropriate" or "normal" to different ages. This signals discussion of developmental psychology. Practitioners of several schools of psychological thought, including educational and social psychology, also recognize that from childhood into advanced age, human beings go through stages of emotional and cognitive development. Human behavior, therefore, should be examined through the prism of the norms of these phases.
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