How to Cope With Narcissism
Establish clear and strict boundaries. No matter where you are experiencing narcissism, let the person know you have limits he should not cross. Narcissists are known for exploiting and taking advantage of people for their own gain. Everyone has a limit; in order to protect your own emotional well-being, it is important you do not let him cross it.
Be honest. Dealing with a narcissist often involves putting in all the work and effort only to receive very little in return. Being honest is important and will help you avoid encouraging any further narcissistic tendencies. Do not say anything you do not mean. If you do not believe she is the best, do not tell her she is. She will see straight through any insincerity making her angry and possibly aggressive, says Psychotherapist William W. Snow for a 2002 Psytalk website article.
Stop his self-absorbed behavior by making it understood you will not tolerate it from him. Just going along and agreeing with whatever he says may avoid a possible confrontation but it also encourages him to continue behaving that way. You will only make him more difficult to deal with by letting him dominate conversations with tales of his own greatness.
Keep your own temper under control. Dealing with a narcissist is often a frustrating and unrewarding experience. Her ability to turn everything around to be about her and the fact she believes she is superior will get annoying. Narcissists are known for their bad tempers; losing yours may start an argument, or worse, an argument that you cannot win. It is best to learn when to walk away -- in the interest of your own sanity.
Understand you will never be able to depend upon a narcissist. While he may interact socially with people, he will be unable to form social bonds. He will always elevate himself above anyone else, believing there is no one else as special. The fact he is so self-absorbed will mean he will never place your needs before his own. This can be especially difficult to deal with if the narcissist is a loved one or partner.
Prepare to feel used and then dropped by her when something or someone better comes along. A narcissist is only interested in what she can get to benefit herself, whether this is a service or a favor. She is likely to be highly cooperative and may even tolerate your point of view for once. However, once she has achieved her goals, she will soon revert to type.