What Are the Reasons for People to Ignore Facts?
Helping Make Sense of Bad Situations
Often it is easier to find comfort in believing something, even if it is not true. For example, the case of Sept. 11, 2001, terrorists attacks was a devastating tragedy for the United States. Though there was strong evidence supporting otherwise, many individuals believed Suddam Hussein was behind the attacks. This brought comfort to these individuals knowing that they could put a face to the tragedy and knew exactly where to place blame, even if it was untrue.
Own Biases
When individuals believe in one thing it can be difficult to make them believe in something else. This is especially true in politics. Often individuals will automatically be biased toward a belief of their political party, even if that belief has been proven false through scientific studies or other forms of research. Bias can play an extensive role in why individuals will ignore the facts in front of them.
Ignoring the Real Truth
Individuals can find comfort in placing blame on one factor rather than facing the truth. For example, some individuals believe cancer is caused by stress or anxiety and therefore smoke to relieve their anxiety in hopes of avoiding cancer. These individuals know that smoking and other lifestyle choices have been scientifically proven to cause cancer; however, putting blame on something else allows them to avoid accepting the truth.
Not Willing to Change
Many individuals will have bad habits that, to change, would cause more stress or interrupt their daily lives. These things can involve drug abuse, alcoholism, smoking or even eating habits. Though individuals know that alcoholism is harmful or abusing steroids is bad for their body, quitting these habits means losing a level of comfort and adding stress into their lives that they are not willing to accept. Therefore, when studies prove these behaviors are bad for your overall health, these individuals will rationalize their behaviors or even seek out studies that prove otherwise to justify their behavior.