Problems That Come With Children With Learning Disabilities
One problem with children that have a learning disability is following simple instructions. Often when given instructions they will not be able to understand what they are told and cannot remember something that was just shown to them or told to them a few short minutes before.
General Learning Skills
Children with learning disabilities often exhibit problems in general learning. Though they are capable of learning just like other children in their age group, the needs of children with learning disabilities are not met and, therefore, they will not master skills for their grade level in areas such as reading, writing, math or spelling.
Right from Left
A general problem children with learning disabilities face is distinguishing the difference between right and left. This can be applied in numbers and letters. For example, a child learning the letter "b" can often flip it around and use the letter "d" without realizing it. Numbers can also be flipped around so that the number 41 can become 14.
Coordination and Organization
Children with learning disabilities may exhibit coordination difficulties. This can occur during sports, running, activities or even during walking. A child with a learning disability will also usually be disorganized. She can lose things easily in her own home, backpack and at school. She will easily misplace items such as homework, money and even personal items.
Children with learning disabilities will often become overly frustrated. They may act out frustrations during learning when the topic is too difficult. Some children with learning disabilities will be very impressionable -- other students can take advantage of them and often lead them how they see fit. When it comes to recognizing the consequences of his actions, a child with a learning disability will not be able to comprehend that when he does something wrong there can be a punishment associated with it. Children with learning disabilities will also exhibit affection or other forms of emotion in situations where it is not typically appropriate.
According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, one-third of children with learning disabilities also suffer from ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). This condition will cause a child to be inattentive, hyperactive and act on impulse rather than rational thought. In order to overcome the symptoms of ADHD, a child will typically be given medication and parents are to provide a strict structure at home and at school to help her stay focused. Some children and parents will benefit from behavioral therapy with a professional psychologist.