Prepared Behavior Goals & Objectives for Anger Management
Impulse Control
One of the behavior goals that anger management programs teach is that of impulse control. Impulse control is the process of managing your impulses. Many people with anger management problems experience very little impulse control, meaning they may react verbally or physically in an abrupt manner without considering the repercussions of their actions. One of the pre-established objectives in anger management programs is for individuals to slow their impulses down so that they think before they react to something that triggers them. An example of a strategy for reaching impulse control goals is counting to 10 before you react.
Children and adults with anger management problems become angry when they do not know how to resolve a situation. Their confusion hazes them with feelings of aggravation to the point that they cannot clear their minds enough to think rationally and problem solve. Many anger management programs build problem-solving goals into the curriculum to teach people how to problem solve instead of becoming angry. The main point here is that getting angry does not solve anything. Rather, problem-solving helps rectify whatever the issue is. Anger management participants are presented with problem-solving activities to learn how to handle problems in a way that is productive, and think about solutions before they react.
Many anger management programs set goals for individuals to learn how to use communication skills rather than reacting through verbal and physical anger, such as yelling or violence. People are taught to replace their anger with a communication intervention, such as talking and listening techniques. They learn how to use "I" phrases that help them communicate how they feel about something that triggers them, such as "I feel upset when..." and "I have a difficult time when..." During group anger management meetings or counseling sessions, participants may practice talking and listening to others so that they can get used to relying on communication rather than anger.
Assertion and Aggression
It is important for people with anger management problems to know the difference between assertion and aggression. It is one thing to be assertive and stand up for something that you believe in. It is another thing to become aggressive out of anger. Aggressive behaviors can become dangerous or cause others to be afraid. Behavioral goals for anger management include teaching individuals how to recognize the difference and identify when it is appropriate to be assertive rather than aggressive.
Stress Management
Stress causes some individuals with anger management problems to lose control and exert their angry behavioral patterns. By teaching people how to manage their stress, you can also help them control their anger. Anger management programs educate individuals about ways to cope with stressful situations, such as bills and finances, holidays, work and social pressures. Anger management participants can achieve their stress management goals by finding effective ways to deal with their personal stressors.
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