The Signs of Angry People
Raised Voice
Often the first sign of anger a person exhibits is raising his voice. While it may seem simple, the raising of the voice when angry is actually a deeply-bred biological response to distress. This response, akin to the fight or flight mechanism, was initially intended to keep individuals safe in the face of danger. When faced with the source of danger, humans could potentially ward it off by raising their voice to a yell. While potentially still applicable today, a raised voice is more commonly just a natural reaction to upset.
Excessive Sarcasm
Most people exhibit sarcasm from time to time, some doing so more frequently than others, but individuals who exhibit excessive sarcasm may be doing so as a result of anger. When individuals are chronically angry they may become cynical or distrustful, leading to sarcastic responses more often than not.
Aggressive Actions
Angry individuals are often more likely to act out violently than their contented counterparts. Physical aggression is often a natural response to anger and, similar to a raised voice, is believed to be biologically designed to keep the human safe. While those who are not angry can still behave violently, in many cases, anger precedes these violent actions.
Loss of Interest
When individuals become angry with someone or upset with a situation, they may immediately display a loss of interest. For example, if a friend jokes about another, hurting that individual's feelings, the butt of the joke may respond by no longer expressing an interest in communicating with the joker.
Sullen Behavior
When people are angry, you can sometimes read it on their face as they adopt a sullen demeanor. Sullen behavior, including avoiding eye contact, furrowing the brow and turning away from individuals who are trying to speak to them, is common among angry individuals and can often be taken as an outward manifestation of this upset.