How to Access Psychological Test Results
Case Worker
Check with the Qualified Mental Health Professional (QMHP) assigned as the case manager regarding the protocols for checking out and viewing the files of a mental health client. Some organizations have strict checkout procedures and protocols for making sure that you are qualified through the HIPAA Privacy Rule (Health Information Portability and Accountability Act) to view the file.
Go to the office where the files are kept. Check out the file and read the psychological evaluation, making any notes necessary to better understand the mental health client. Some organizations do not allow you to leave the filing room with an individual's medical file, which contains their psychological evaluation, other tests and any progress notes associated with their case.
Follow the procedure for your organization for re-filing the patient's file. Some organizations may require you to place the folder back into the filing cabinet while other organizations have a dedicated staff to oversee patient files. Make sure that all paperwork and tests belonging in the patient's files are placed in the file.
Go to the facility or office where your medical file is kept. If you have multiple medical files in different locations, go to the office where your previous psychological evaluation was performed or the office where you currently receive support services and treatment.
Tell the receptionist who you are and that you would like to view your file, which contains your previous psychological evaluations. Depending upon the organization and the amount of time that has passed since your psychological evaluation, you may need to present one or two forms of identification. Check with the organization beforehand to know their requirements for viewing medical files.
Walk to the file room and view your file. Since health care information is highly confidential, you may be handed your file and asked to go to another room to view it. Make any necessary notes and return all paperwork to its proper place.
Family Members and Other Professionals
Speak to the patient about reviewing their medical file and psychological evaluation. To access an individual's medical file, due to the HIPAA Privacy Rule, a patient must sign a form declaring who is eligible to access their protected health information. Once the patient has signed the form and faxed it to the appropriate office belonging to the organization where the psychological evaluation took place, then family members or other working professionals treating or giving medical care to the patient can access the file.
Go to the health care organization where the last psychological evaluation was conducted. Present one or two picture identification cards, depending upon the rules of the organization.
Go to the filing room and view the file for your family member or patient.