Where to Find Help for Teenagers With Self Esteem and Self Confidence Issues
Support Groups
Mental Health America states that many people look to support groups for peer support. Support groups meet at regularly scheduled times and include individuals who need help with a particular problem. They may be facilitated by a peer who is designated as the leader, or they may be led by a mental health professional or other specialist in the designated area the group is targeting. Support groups can be located through Internet search, local newspaper listings or contacting local churches and mental health agencies. Self-esteem support groups for teens also may be located by contacting the school counselor. There also are online support groups which benefit teens in rural areas with fewer local resources.
Non-Profit Organizations
There are a variety of non-profit organizations that focus on developing emotionally healthy teens. Most larger cities have branches of Boys and Girls Clubs of America, 4-H, Boys Town and Life Teen, among other organizations. Smaller towns may have limited resources. Contacting these organizations via their websites may provide opportunities for teens to be involved online if there are no local branches.
Outpatient Counseling
Private practice or community mental health centers offer individual outpatient counseling for a myriad of psychological problems, including teens struggling with low self-esteem. Therapists first conduct an intake assessment to get a thorough history and determine the needs of the individual. Therapy sessions may be held weekly, bi-weekly or monthly, depending on the therapist's recommendations. Therapists work with the teenager, and parents as appropriate, to determine the source of low self-esteem and ways to build self-esteem and self-confidence.
Residential Treatment
Residential treatment occurs when a teenager goes to a therapeutic facility to stay for a period of time while in treatment. Length of stay may be as brief as one week or as long as six months, depending on the teenager's needs. The benefits of residential treatment are the removal of environmental distractions and the ability to provide intensive services. These facilities may focus on intensive therapy and reduction of severe conduct problems. However, some programs are similar to summer camps with outdoor activities, classes and team-building development. Wilderness Programs Info provides a list of wilderness-based programs, and Family First Aid provides lists of residential treatment centers based on specialty.