Codependency Treatment Programs
Bridge to Recovery
Bridge to Recovery is a codependency treatment center based in Kentucky that has been in existence since 1977. The program offers three options, or phases. Phase I lasts two weeks. This session helps you end self-defeating behavior patterns. It introduces you to concepts related to recovery, to aid in changing your old harmful mind-set. Phase II offers additional work if you feel the need for it. Phase III is for you if you are in imminent danger of personal loss, such as that of a job, a marriage or your health. This class can run five weeks or more.
Codependents Anonymous
Codependents Anonymous is a 12-step program established in 1986 in Phoenix. The first step, according to the Good Drugs Guide website, is to realize that you are powerless to change anyone but yourself. If you're new to the program, it's best to listen to the stories of others, get to know them and then ask the person with whom you feel most comfortable sharing your personal struggles to sponsor you. The organization has 1,200 groups in the United States and is also in 40 countries abroad.
Christian Codependents
New Life Spirit runs this program, which is based on Christian principles. The Huntington Beach, Calif.-based program's aim is to bring you to the conclusion that your greatest relational need in your life is intimacy with God. The program begins by an assessment. You'll meet with a counselor, fill out paperwork and write a personal life account. The counselor will review the material and will tailor a treatment program specifically for you. An important part of this plan is the individual counseling sessions where you meet privately with a professional. He will help you work through your life issues to achieve emotionally balanced relationships in all areas of your life. Homework is part of the treatment. The counseling team will give you exercises based on the 12-module program that is in the workbook "From Surviving to Significance" by Stephanie Tucker.
Lakeview Health System
Lakeview Health Systems in Jacksonville, Fla., has a codependency treatment program that is part of a larger drug and alcohol addiction treatment plan. This strategy grows out of the notion that the family of the addict suffers from codependency disorders. Indeed, one of the most prevalent problems is the practice of enabling the addict. To this end, Lakeview provides a free counseling program for family members of addicts, lasting four days. At the sessions' conclusion, the lead counselor will conduct follow-up telephone conversations where more in-depth discussions will take place involving how to break the cycle of addiction and the accompanying codependence.