How to Locate a Psychiatrist Association
A psychiatrist association is an organization of psychiatrists that works towards improving the quality of care of persons with mental disorders. You can find national psychiatrist associations, state and local associations and specialty associations. To find a specific psychiatrist association, contact the American Psychiatric Association, use a Web-based tool or ask your local doctor for a referral to an association in your area.Instructions
Contact the American Psychiatric Association (APA) at 703-907-7300. The APA is the world's largest psychiatric organization. The APA will provide you with contact information for local psychiatric associations in your area.
Go online to (see References). Click on your state's link to find contact information for your state's psychiatrist association. In addition, the website lists contact information for many national psychiatrist associations.
Ask your doctor for a referral to a local psychiatrist association. If your doctor does not have information about psychiatrist associations, ask him for a referral to a specific psychiatrist. Call that psychiatrist and ask her for information about local psychiatrist associations.