How to Sign Up for Anger Management Classes
Take a psychiatric test. Several underlying causes can cause anger, such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder. If you have one of these conditions, your anger may be cured by treating the root of the problem.
Find anger management classes by asking a local psychologist or therapist, your local court or by searching for classes online.
Look for anger management classes that are taught by a licensed psychologist or therapist. There's no license required to become an anger management trainer, so your next door neighbor could open one up. Licensed psychologists and therapists have an understanding of psychology and why anger happens the way it does.
Sign up with a partner. If you have a friend who has anger issues, the best way to stay through the duration of the anger management classes is to sign up with a partner. If you go by yourself, you may be tempted to leave, but a partner can help you stick it out.