Mood Evaluation Tools
The Major Depression Inventory
The Major Health Depression Inventory is applied to determine the presence of depression in an individual. The Major Depression Inventory, also referred to as MDI, is a tool utilized to evaluate whether an individual is suffering with depression. The MDI is a diagnostic tool and often employed as a follow-up to an initial assessment. It consists of 10 items that reflect the presence or absence of depressive symptoms with the subject, and once completed is scored and evaluated by a recognized general practitioner or established health care professional. If the presence of depression is suggested, then this is confirmed through a more in-depth discussion between the patient and doctor.
The Hamilton Depression Scale
The Hamilton Depression Scale, also referred to as HDS, is designed to assess the severity of depression symptoms in an individual. This test is often used on subjects who have already been diagnosed as suffering with a particular mental health disorder. It can be utilized to assess both children and adults and is an effective tool for measuring the effects of prescribed medication and courses of therapy. It can identify whether a course of treatment is effective and help to recommend alternative resolutions or dosages of medicine.
The Mood Disorder Questionnaire
The Mood Disorder Questionnaire, also referred to as MDQ, is a tool used to determine the symptoms of bipolar disorder. These symptoms include depression and mania, which can be highlighted through a series of 16 questions. This evaluation can be sourced and undertaken online, and once completed needs to be presented to a GP or mental health expert in order to determine a result. Aside from being a significant step toward diagnosis, the MDQ can help a subject understand and recognize the symptoms in the first instance.