How to Screen for Memory Problems Online
When a person ages, the way their brain stores memories changes. Short-term and remote memories are not usually affected, although recent memories may disappear more quickly than before. Although memory loss is ultimately a normal sign of aging, it can also be caused by serious mental problems such as dementia, Alzheimer's Disease, alcoholism and depression. One way to distinguish between what is normal and what is not is that normal memory loss does not get worse over a period of time, whereas memory loss caused by a serious problem will deteriorate memory quickly.Instructions
Use an online search engine to find an online memory screening service. Search terms such as "online memory screening" and "online memory test." Such services include MemTrax and CogniCheck.
Explore the site, looking for information on the test's credentials. A good test will have information on the person who composed it. A bad test will have no information on its origin whatsoever.
Pay a small fee, between $10 and $20, using a credit card or PayPal.
Follow the instructions given by the site.