How to Convert Raw Scores to T Scores on the MMPI-2
Administer the test following all of the guidelines in the MMPI-2 manual.
Score the test, using the supplied scoring templates for the basic clinical and validity scales. Use the appropriate template for your version of the MMPI-2: The hardcover, softcover and computer administered versions all have different scoring templates. Also use the appropriate template for Scale 5: Men and women test takers require different templates. The scoring process reveals the test taker's raw scores.
Transfer the raw scores to the profile sheet included in the assessment package. The profile sheet has two sides: one for females and one for males. Use the side appropriate to the gender of the test taker.
Underline the raw score for the K scale on the profile sheet. The K scale is a validity scale that measures defensiveness. Find this raw score on the K-correction table included in the assessment package. This table indicates what fraction of K you must add to the other raw scores before converting the scores to T scores.
Indicate the raw score plus the K scale addition on the profile sheet.
Plot the adjusted scores for each scale on the profile matrix included in the assessment package. Connect all of the values for the clinical scales with a solid line. Then, connect all of the values for the validity scales with a separate solid line. This plot, with the two separate lines, constitutes the test taker's profile.
Look to the extreme left or the extreme right of the matrix. The T score values appear in both locations.