Signs & Symptoms of Intoxication
Speech & Cognition
An intoxicated person may experience slurred speech, and may not be able to enunciate words correctly. He may speak very slowly due to diminished thought processes. He may show symptoms of impaired short-term and long-term memory. He may have a short attention span. He may talk loudly and exhibit increased talkativeness. He may show signs of confusion, or might not be able to follow simple directions.
Alcohol seems to improve the mood of many people. An intoxicated individual may become happy and overly generous, often making rash, impromptu decisions concerning money and property. She may have an increased sense of well-being and feelings of omnipotence. This could lead to impulsiveness and risk-taking behaviors. Often there is increased libido, and an increased feeling of love for others.
Other people will develop a more angry, irritated or depressed mood, occasionally showing signs of aggression or violence toward others or themselves. People who become depressed while intoxicated may attempt suicide.
A person who is intoxicated may exhibit coordination problems. He may be unsteady on his feet and stumble while walking or running. He might sway from side to side while standing in one place. He might show movements that don't work together correctly while preforming tasks, such as eating. He may show fast eye movements, which are called nystagmus. His body might be weaker than normal, and he may show signs of sleepiness.
Systemic Symptoms
The intoxicated person often has a flushed appearance with the skin turning pink or red. Her eyes are often red or blood-shot. She may have increased heartbeat or high blood pressure. She may show signs of nausea or may vomit. If the intoxication is extensive, the person may have trouble hearing, seeing, tasting or breathing. If the person is unresponsive, contact emergency medical professionals immediately.